Don't try to make these in
to a candle for your own good |
So I saw on Pinterest that you could
remake old crayons into new ones in the oven. So
I thought I’d try it because I have tons of crayons from like 10 years ago. I
had the idea that I would make candles. The plan basically was to follow the
remake crayons instructions but I’d put a wick {twine} in the middle of the
crayons. Clearly this was poorly thought out, but I did it any way. It survived
the oven and hardened okay but it turns out crayons:
A: smell awful
B: don't burn {or melt or whatever like candle
wax}. I guess parents didn't want their child's coloring supplies to do that.
No, it didn't burn our house down or anything
it just burned through the wick that stopped and than it just kind of
died. So I was pretty bummed 'cause now I’ve got two "candles"
that can't do any thing but color. And even that it really hard to do due to
the shape of the candles/crayons {they were hearts}.
Then I remembered that I own bees wax because a
while ago a friends of a friends taught me how to make an encaustic {like a
collage 'cept more artsy and with bees wax over it oh! and no, I could not
spell that by my self}, Which is really time consuming so, never did it again.
So, I’ve got like 2 pounds of bees wax in my room. And I remembered that you could
make candles out of bees wax because I saw a guy selling them for like 50 bucks
on our local, hipster, foot-mall. So I’m like "YEAH! Man, I am so
This is the the bees wax
I use it's called "Jacquard" |
So I figured I might as well make an instructional
post on how to make candles the super easy way.
You'll Need:
-Twine {this is the wick}
-Grater or something to break wax into small pieces
1st, cut of 2 inches of twine, wick, and place it
in your mold.
2nd, you're going to want to split your wax into small
{really doesn't need to be super small or anything just small chunks} pieces of
shavings and pour the shavings into your mold trying to make your wick stand up
straight, make sure you're mold it is very, very full. I left mine about half
full and when melted and hardened it was a very thin candle.
Heart Candles vs. Crayon Candle failure |
3rd, fill molds for as many candles as you want.
4th, Place mold in oven at 230 degrees for 15
5th, remove your mold from the oven and let them
cool. You will think they are cool when they aren't wait way longer than you
think or when you take them out they'll have little wrinkles. If the mold is
silicone they will just kind of pop out.
Happy candling! {that was SO cheesy! ohmygawsh that
was bad}
Yeah well any way, have fun and what not,